How to Convert YouTube Videos to mp3: Free website and Step-by-Step Guide

How to Convert YouTube Videos to mp3: Free website and Step-by-Step Guide The video-sharing website YouTube is the third most popular site on the Internet, streaming a staggering four billion videos every day. That popularity, however, is not all wine and roses and piano-playing cats. Of those four billion YouTube videos viewed daily, many are copyrighted material provided by media businesses for people to view on YouTube. Record labels, television networks, and movie studios are not particularly happy about all this copyright violation among YouTube users. As a result, YouTube is stepping up their efforts to prevent copyright infringement – and their first target is a slew of websites that provide a YouTube to MP3 converter. Nothing compares to kicking it back after hard day’s work and listening to some great tunes, just to get in the mood. You think that nothing can upset your frame of mind, save for the Internet connection going down the drain. Bummer, am I right? Wo...